Alright. Something extremely unfortunate happened today over at our other blog, Fresh Like Green Tea. Some of you may have seen the Kanye West post from yesterday, which included all the already leaked tracks off his upcoming album, as well as all his animated music videos (straight from YouTube). Today, all of the post was removed from the blog by Blogger, and i was notified via email that apparently i was violating other people's rights through some of the things on my post according the D.M.C.A (Digital Millennium Copyrights Act). I'm seriously shocked. I only posted songs that have already been leaked all over the internet and showed videos that were easily available on YouTube. On top of all this, I was encouraging my readers to go out on Nov. 24th and purchase Kanye West's new album. What the fuck is wrong with a world in which a lowly blogger with a small audience giving free promotion to an artist they like and admire by re-posting already leaked material easily available elsewhere? I am in the process of drafting a statement for both Attack the Wakk and Fresh Like Green Tea in which I ask anyone that has a problem with that is posted to email me, and if the claim is reasonable, i will remove the material. And just one more thing: FUCK the industry for this.
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