I was flipping through my iPod at the library today, trying to find some peaceful music that wouldn't distract me too much from my mathematics trying-to-remember-all-that-bullshit-from-high-school session, when i stumbled upon something that just seemed perfect for this forum, George Carlin's rant of "Things That Piss Me Off" (Get it HERE) I could not switch the track, and despite being in a silent library I was having a very hard time controlling my laughter Its brilliant, he foul-mouthedly, methodically, and hilariously goes through things that piss him off. He truly was a great comic, so muc more intelligent and educated than most of the entertainers out there, the man truly knew waht he was talking about. It was truly sad to see him go last year. Some of us may even remember him as the narrator/conductor of one of my personal favorite television shows as a child; Thomas The Tank Engine. I know it seems crazy, but its true, look it up... R.I.P George!

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