You may wonder why i have yet again posted a picture of Ghostface again, and even if you were not wondering I am about to tell you. I have decided that whenever i write about experiences (both Fresh and Wakk...) that happen to me in New York City that i do not have any photos of, Ghost will be accompanying picture. I mean, after all, no New Yorker looks more thugged out or crazy than Ghostdeini the Great (besides for maybe ODB, may God rest his eternal cracked out soul). I did not deliver photographic proof of the extreme debauchery that went down in the Rotten Apple as i had promised, but i will tell you, debauchery on a massive scale definitely happened. After a monstrous 36 hour drinking rampage that involved phenomenal amounts of whiskey and vodka, as well as a Fresh Mango Margarita (breakfast at Cafe Habana, Prince St. and Elizabeth, mmmmmm.) and a coule 40s, H-Man hit rock bottom. Only MJ and he remained til closing time that night, when after a terrible attempt at speaking Spanish most terribly and inappropriately, H-Man was seen on the street of the Lower East Side kicking garbage bags and chasing after rats. That's right ladies and gentlemen, disgusting, and perhaps even wakk. As a result of this most enjoyable yet so destructive binge, I got sick as a dog and had to stay in the next night and watch MJ get drunk while we played video games, topped off by getting up mad early and having to endure the 5 hour bus ride back to D.C. with a splitting headache and a ever. So much fun followed by so much pain. All in all, awesome weekend, big props to MJ and EQ, I love you motherfuckers.

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